Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Waiting Game Commences

Here I am at 36 weeks, which was last week (May 30)

I feel like the look on my face says 'get this baby out of me!' Haha.

At last week's appointment the midwife confirmed that the baby had definitely dropped, and we discussed labour and delivery in more detail.  This past Sunday we had a practice run as I woke up at 2am with some contractions that stayed consistent for the next 24 hrs.  
At first we thought it was the real deal - the contractions got closer together and longer in length, but never increased in strength.  
After a few calls to the midwife, she confirmed that it was probably just pre-labour.  She said that some women experience this when the baby is settling into final position, and that it can last a few days.  At first we were very disappointed, but we know that Baby S will arrive in the Lord's perfect timing, so now we wait!

As of yesterday (June 6), I am now 37 weeks and full term!  
I had another appointment on Tuesday and the baby is fully engaged, meaning it could be any day now....or 4 weeks from now.  How encouraging! Haha
Baby's heart rate was 150 at this appointment and 'she' wasn't signs point to a female Baby S once again :).
Due to the contractions I've been having since Sunday I started my maternity leave a few days early.  I am so thankful I did - I have been SO tired this week and have spent most of my time sleeping.  I am finding that I have a hard time sleeping at night now, which I know is common for this stage of pregnancy.  I have a huge mat leave 'to-do' list but haven't had the energy to tackle it until today.  I know it is best for my body and the baby to rest as much as possible so I'm trying to remember that and get sleep now while I can - I know I will be wishing for it in a few weeks' time!


  1. Look how cute you are!!!! Can't wait to see picture of Baby S! Hang in there and keep getting lots of rest! You can rest some for me too! :) Hope to meet the new little blessing sooner rather then later! :)

  2. Glad to hear it is all moving along well, when you were not at work and they told us you went off a week early we were worried... but alas your post tells us you are all great!!!! laura and jon
