On Wednesday I hit the 38 week mark, and no baby yet!
Here I am last week at 37 weeks
And this week at 38 weeks!
This week's midwife appointment was interesting. Baby's heart rate was quite high (160), and the midwife found it somewhat high on my belly, which caused her a bit of concern. She couldn't say with enough confidence that the head was still down, so she sent me for an ultrasound to make sure Baby S was not in breech position.
I had the ultrasound Wednesday afternoon and thankfully Baby S has not flipped him or herself around - head is still down! It was neat to get an extra ultrasound and I had the opportunity to ask how big the baby is at this point. The technician told me that the weight was approximately 6.7 lbs. I definitely like the sounds of that!
I have been thoroughly enjoying my time off this week and have had alot more energy than last week. It's been great to visit with friends, spend time with Mark, hang out with my sister-in-law, and get some items crossed off my 'to-do' list. My parents were also away in Florida until yesterday, so they are very thankful that Baby S did not make his or her grand entrance while they were away!
We have a very busy weekend ahead, so we'll see if baby decides to keep cookin' for a little while longer!
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