Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Long Time Coming....

This post will come as no surprise to almost everyone that reads this blog, but I felt like I needed to announce this to the blogging world, despite how 'old' the news is now!

Yeppers, we're having a baby!!!

(sorry, can't figure out how to rotate the above pic...)

This ultrasound picture is from my 13-week appointment, back in December.  We decided to tell our families and friends very soon after finding out our exciting news, partly because I was so sick that everyone was guessing anyways!  I have to say I am so, so thankful for the combination of Vitamin B and antihistamines that is Diclectin.  This drug has truly made things bearable for me throughout this pregnancy.  Without it, I was literally not able to function as I could not keep anything in my stomach, even water.  With Diclectin, I have still experienced nausea every day, but at least I can eat, work and go on with life!

I am now 26 weeks along!  Yes, I am this pregnant and haven't even blogged about it yet!  Lame, I know.  
Here are some pics of my growing baby bump!

13 Weeks

15 Weeks

18 Weeks

20 Weeks - halfway there and officially in maternity pants!

23 Weeks - pop!
 (I'm not quite as big as I look in this photo, and no, I'm not having twins!)

We have chosen to not find out the gender of the baby.  Mark always said he would want to know, and I never did.  Once I was actually pregnant, we completely swapped - he wanted the surprise, and I felt like I could easily be convinced to find out!  In the end we decided not to find out - I do feel like this is one of the last surprises left in life - we can know everything in this day and age, and I don't have to know this one.
That being said, I would guarantee you with 95% confidence that this baby is a girl.  I have had a strong 'feeling' since the very beginning, and I am so curious to know if I am right!  So far all of the old wives' tales are proving true if the baby is a girl - the heartbeat is consistently high, I am carrying wider as opposed to out and pointy, and the chinese string/gold test clearly said 'girl'.    
I can't wait to find out if my maternal instinct is right!

Despite the physical discomforts of pregnancy, it truly is an incredible time that I feel so privileged to be able to experience.  Especially now, as I feel our little one move and kick inside of me daily, I am blown away by the absolute miracle of life and God's creation.
I am learning that I can't necessarily do everything that I used to be able to do before pregnancy, and that I need to take care of myself, which in turn cares for this precious baby.  After a small recent complication, I have come face to face with this reality, and have had to cut down on work and remember to find a balance between busyness and rest.  
All in all, Mark and I are SO excited and thankful beyond words for this gift from the Lord, and we love that June 27th is approaching quickly!!


  1. So exciting! Get lots of are growing another person in your body...all the discomfort makes sense when you put it that way doesn't it?

  2. Amen! Keep resting T! We are loving you and praying for all three of you!!

  3. So excited to be Auntie Roo!!! xoxoxo!
