{Insert sheepish, shameful grin here}
Remember when we used to have a blog that we updated regularly? Yeah, me either.........
I do have a few excuses for you though - in the past month we have purchased and moved into a new home, and are still redecorating and renovating that new home. We're also both working full-time while still trying to lead some semblance of a normal life. I can honestly say that these past 6 weeks or so have been the busiest I have ever, ever experienced. But in a wonderful way - what a blessing to have our own home, and one that does not even feel real quite yet!! I promise to post pictures soon, but for now I just wanted to let my two faithful readers (hello Daniel and Suelynn) that we're still alive. We're about to head to California for the wedding of two dear friends, so I'll have lots of pictures and updating to do when we get back.
For now I will leave you with a reminder of what is coming November 2.........